SCIE 등재 의학 학술지의 편집 동향 분석: 대한의학학술지편집인협의회 등록 학술지를 중심으로
Received: Oct 15, 2016; Revised: Nov 20, 2016; Accepted: Dec 16, 2016
Published Online: Dec 30, 2016
The purpose of this study was to analyze the publishing and editing trends of medical journals listed in the Science Citation Index Expendence (SCIE). Based on this study enhance and develop the future direction of Journal of Korean Medical Library Association.
The target journal covers 34 journals published in 2015, registered in the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editor (KAMJE). Based on the journal’s homepage, collection of current issue, submission policies and other criteria related on management of the journal was used for data. Category for analysis is the following. the Editorial Board, Journal Policy, Title and Copyright Page, Instructions for Authors, Manuscript Style Guide, Online Availability. The goals is to determine the current state of the Korean Medical Library Association based on the analysis item.
The main results are 97% of the Editorial Board is organized multi-nationally, 100% of academic journals are published on-time, 80% has a English guide for Publication Ethics of ICMJE and KAMJE, 97% of journals Title and Copyright Page are in English, 100% has a guide on Instructions for Author for peer reviewer’ examination process, 79% has a formatted Manuscript Style Guide for abstract and article, 100% are publish according to manuscript, 100% has a English journal web site, and 79% have access of fulltext from first issue to current.
International academic journals must adhere to the research and publication ethics and ensure that the editorial board is composed of multi-nationally academic experts. The publication of the journals issue must be ontime. Online availability must be enhanced through the independent homepage of the journal include access for fulltext papers and online submission systems.